Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Spalding University's Men's Basketball team left yesterday morning around 10:00 to head to St. Louis for the first round of the NCAA D-III Tournament.  I was lucky enough to be a part of this fun send-off event!  I, along with Miss Heartland and Miss Garrard OT, met the team and handed out goody bags for their long bus ride to St. Louis.  


With Spalding's Athletic Director, Roger Burkman
Miss Heartland, Ashley Beth
Miss Garrard OT, Katelin Denney

Sunday, February 24, 2013

I have had a very fun weekend! It started off with a Skype makeup lesson with Dinair Airbrush Makeup on Friday. They are an official sponsor of the Mrs. Kentucky Pageant and gifted me with an awesome airbrush kit. It was so much fun learning how to use it via Skype with one of their educators all the way in California. Denise invited us over to her house for the lesson, so we conveniently turned it into a great girls night! (Meeting up with the hubby’s later on of course;)) Thank you SO much to Dinair for being a devoted sponsor to the Mrs. Kentucky Pageant and a huge thanks to Denise for always being a fabulous hostess!

 Queen Mom getting dolled up by Deata

Using my new Dinair Airbrush gun! ...and look at those adorable models in the background<3

Denise and Elisha

More big news from my week- Spalding University has officially joined my team as a Mrs. Kentucky sponsor!!!!! I graduated from Spalding last summer and feel SO privileged to have them stand behind me during my journey to Mrs. America. We have a lot planned for the future so stay tuned to see what we will be up to!

Today Ben and I had our first official walk through in our new home. I cannot believe how fast it is coming along... to say I’m excited is an understatement! We also got an offer on our current home and hope and pray that everything works out! Looks like we may be moving to Meade County for a few months until our house is finished… fingers crossed! I look forward to being able to spend quality time with my family.

The month of March will be a busy one for me…

March 1st-2nd I will be going to Hopkinsville and Paducah for Copa Di Vino Tastings

March 5th I will be heading to Miss Priss in Lexington to find my official Mrs. America Gown<3!!!

March 14th I will be starting a Dale Carnegie Business Course at Sullivan University.  They are a Mrs. Kentucky Sponsor…I am very excited about this opportunity!

March 18th I will be a hostess at the NCAA Bracketology/Spalding University Fundraising Event at the fairgrounds

March 23rd I will be a judge at the Miss Jefferson County Fair Pageant

March 27th I am making an appearance at the “Wellness Series” program for the geriatric patients in Louisville. 

I hope everyone has a blessed week!
<3 Lindsey

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Today my husband and I took a trip to Lexington for a wine tasting with one of the Mrs. Kentucky sponsors- Copa Di Vino.  This was definitely different than anything I have ever done before, but it was a lot of fun.  We had a stand at the Kroger Wine and Spirits in Lexington where we greeted the customers and helped them to sample the different flavors Copa has to offer.  I worked alongside Ben, a distributor for this company.  Together we were able to meet many new people and got to know the employees.  I want to send a big thank you to Kroger Wine and Spirits for the great hospitality!

I owe my hubby a big thanks for driving me!  I worked last night,
so I needed him to get me there safely and awake;)

My own wine signage!! I was thrilled to see this!

Ready for the tasting!

Ben- one of the distributors of Copa in Lexington.
He was a lot of fun to work with- we had a great time together.

....he sent me home with so many Copa goodies!!!  Looks
like I will have a taste testing of my own at home too! I love the concept
of this wine.  They all come ready for travel and with reusable lids.  Visit to find locations that carry this product near
you and to see information about this product when it was featured on 
the show "Shark Tank." 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Yesterday I was invited by my hometown State Representative, Jeff Greer, to come to the Capitol to be honored in the Chamber of the Kentucky House of Representatives. This was SUCH a special day for me; I will forever remember this moment!
 Mom, Me, Representative Greer, Grandma, and Maw
Representative Greer and I
           I ran into "America's Queen's of the Commonwealth" winners. So much bling in one photo! Love it:) They were all so pretty and so sweet.
Joe Arnold, WHAS11, asked me to record a clip for "Good Morning Kentuckiana!"
...while being recognized in the Chamber. What a special moment for me!
      We truly have a beautiful Capitol building. I had a great time walking around and seeing what it has on display. 

Also, I would like to mention the "Blankets & Beans" campaign to help the homeless and hungry in our community.  This is a Norton Healthcare campaign created to help people in need during the extremely cold winter months.  "Norton Healthcare is collaborating with Blanket Louisville and Dare to Care Food Bank to provide new and gently used blankets and nonperishable food items to help the homeless and hungry in our community.  We will hold our Blankets & Beans campaign from Feb. 11 to 22.  Collection boxes will be available and clearly marked at several Norton Healthcare locations, including all facility cafeterias and Human Resources offices." -Norton eNews Today-  I hope that by sharing this with my blog followers, we can help make a significant difference in this year's donation!

Tomorrow I will be traveling to Lexington to visit the Wine and Spirit Shop at Kroger.  There, I will be doing a wine tasting event for one of the Mrs. Kentucky Sponsors- Copa di Vino.  I am looking forward to this fun event and to travel to one of the prettiest areas of our state.  Of course I will be sharing photos of my "tasty" trip with you very soon:)