Sunday, October 27, 2013

What a rush this past weekend has been.  I started it with a trip to WHAS11 to be on the Great Day Live show with Austen Williams, Mrs. America.  We had a great time together.  We even had enough spare time to go shopping before heading to practice with the Mrs. Kentucky 2014 delegates!

We ran into Taylor Hicks from American Idol!

Lunch Time!

Practice, practice, practice...

Delegate Reception

My beautiful queen sisters!

Show time!

Our last picture we took backstage before I gave up my crown

CHRISTINA GORA~~ our new Mrs. Kentucky 2014!!!

It has been a pleasure and honor being your Mrs. Kentucky 2013.  This moment is very bittersweet, but I will hang up my banner and sit my crown on a shelf with much pride and happiness.  

I love you all!! Thank you for following my year and being so supportive every step of the way--

Lindsey Haukom, Mrs. Kentucky 2013 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Yesterday, Ben and I attended our very last event together as Mr. and Mrs. Kentucky.  We traveled to the Bullitt County Fairgrounds for the annual fall Wine Fest.   I attended the last Wine Fest on Derby Eve with my Mom and had a great time, so I was excited to be invited back.  Eddie, with Springhill Winery, invited me to be a part of this event.  He is one of my sponsors and always provides delicious wines for us to enjoy at the cocktail dinner the night before the Mrs. Kentucky Pageant.  We spent a few hours walking around to each wine booth meeting the owners and tasting their specialties!  Everyone was so sweet and welcoming.  I even ran into a few familiar faces from high school and work!  Ben and I enjoyed the afternoon together---this is what I love about being MRS. Kentucky!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Today I attended the "Mrs. Kentucky Workshop" at the Old 502 Winery in downtown Louisville.  The queens club and QM do this each year to help prepare the delegates for the Mrs. Kentucky competition.  We worked on interview skills, walking on stage, had lunch, and some ladies were able to squeeze in a photo shoot for their head shots.  It was a great time and I really enjoyed meeting the ladies...although I must admit I am sad knowing this means my title is coming to an end :(

FALL SEASON IS COMING!!!! My Mom and Dad's farm is opening TOMORROW!  Please visit their website or check them out of Facebook to see what they have to offer.  (Roberts Family Farm  You know you are dying to get that yearly hayride in ;)

Look at the new edition in their store...I must say, I like it :D 

Monday, September 2, 2013

I am home and relaxing with my husband after a busy 2 weeks.  What a blast, whirlwind, amazing adventure, and unforgettable journey!!  I know I am a little behind, but here are the pictures from preliminary night through the end of my relaxing vacation in California! I hope you enjoy them....

Monday and Tuesday's schedule....preliminaries and practice!

The husband's got to join us at practice
so they could walk on stage too!

I was so happy to run into my good lookin' family
in the lobby before heading backstage!

Loving my gown from Miss Priss!
My Louisville Slugger State Costume

I had a great time during prelims! It was so fun and such a rush backstage changing
from outfit to outfit.

The next day....TUESDAY....

Mrs. America and Mrs. World with Vault Denim

My ad page in the program thanks to 
Mom and Dad (Roberts Family Farm)
They are so good to me!

The backstage Camera Crew from Bravo

My sweet co workers posted this on my Facebook page
Of course it brought a few tears to my eyes!

My very last daily gift from QM!
I am going to miss waking up to these!

Catching some family time before heading
off to get ready!  I was so happy to have them
in the hotel with me although I did not
get to visit much.

I love QM!! She has been there for me every 
step of the way

Deata working her magic, AGAIN! I was a ball of nerves
and excitement.  I was happy to have my family visit me while
getting ready so my nerves would calm a little bit

She is amazing!

Ready for round two!  I loved seeing all the girls in costume

She won best costume!

Florence Henderson and her daughter
were the hosts

Love my personalized wrap from QM

Tara is originally from KY! We were 
loving our UK dresses

After the pageant I wanted a picture with my spiffy family
They are my world!


The next morning, Ben had breakfast and a 
sweet card waiting for me.  I just love him so much!

We walked up to see the waterfall at the resort 
before heading to California. 

With my brother, Casey...
7 hours until we arrive at San Diego
Our friend, Adam, flew down from Portland 
and drove us all the way there!! He is so nice

I found this at one of our stops!!
One of my favorite Mrs. Kentucky Sponsors!

I thought it was neat how we drove alongside the 
Mexico Border

We FINALLY arrived!! This was the first time we
have seen the Pacific Ocean

Having fun with my amazing brother

Love my hubby!

Good morning!! We headed to the ocean before
driving to LA

All of the guys 
Ben, Casey, Bryan, and Adam.
Bryan went to high school with us, but lives in LA now.
It was great getting to see him!

We stopped at Laguna Beach on the way to LA.
I used to LOVE that show, so I wanted to stop where Stephen 
from the show used to work.  Adam appreciated it too...
although he may not admit to it;) 

The beach at Santa Monica

We watched the was beautiful

The next day we went sight seeing around Hollywood
with my brother... first stop, The Beverly Hills Hotel!

Trying to feel like a part of their red carpet lol

We LOVE this restaurant from the show "Vanderpump
Rules."  Unfortunately, it was not open yet, so we did
not get to stop for lunch, but it was neat seeing it

Doing a little shopping

We had a GREAT time together, but I was SO ready 
to come home to my little man!

I'm pretty sure he was stoked to see me!!

Unpacking and realized, I'm pretty sure I have enough sashes
to last a lifetime! Thanks Mrs. America!

I want to send a HUGE THANK YOU to all of my supporters. The past two weeks have truly been an extraordinary experience. I have made so many new friends and have tons of memories to last a lifetime. I sincerely appreciate each and every comment you all have left me (I tried my best to reply to all of them) I am so happy for and proud of our new Mrs. America, Austen Williams. She is truly what a Mrs. America should be and I look forward to following her journey. Most importantly, I am beyond blessed and thankful to come home to my state still holding my Mrs. Kentucky title. I will still hold my title for 2 more months and plan on enjoying every minute of it;) Thank you to Jo Ann Peterson for being an amazing director who has guided me through every step of this process,Deata Sexton Gregory for going above and beyond and making me feel so beautiful and confident, Elizabeth Cruse and Miss Priss for providing me with a fabulous wardrobe and phenomenal evening gown, Mom Rhonda Roberts/Dad/and Casey Roberts for always following my dreams with me, and Ben Haukom for your unending support and love. I could not do it without each and every one of you--it truly takes a village!! I love you guys so much.