Sunday, October 28, 2012

Happy Sunday everyone!!! Thursday I had the opportunity to be on WHAS11 Great Day Live, what an experience that was! Terry Meiners and Rachel Platt were so welcoming and made me feel so special during my time on the show. It was so neat seeing how everything works behind the scenes. Ben even had the opportunity to go with me, and was surprised by his last minute appearance on the show! He is such a good sport- I think I will keep him;) This day will definitely go down as one of my favorite moments as Mrs.Kentucky.
Check out @rachelplattwhas and @terrymeiners on twitter to see what they had to say about my visit! They are so sweet and I hope to have the chance to work with them again. Here is the link to my appearance if you would like to take a look:
Also, I have decided to give twitter a second try so please follow me @mrsky2013. It is a great way for me to keep in touch with people I meet and I will try and keep everyone updated with what I am doing throughout my year using this awesome tool.
Okay, I cannot help myself…I absolutely cannot go this week without mentioning that Taylor Swift’s new CD came out on Monday!! If you know me, you know that I am a HUGE fan and I have been SO looking forward to this. She has been my background music all week no matter where I am and I am totally digging her new tracks!
If you need any last minute fall decor, my family's pumpkin farm is still open in Meade County, Kentucky. Please go to their website or find them on Facebook to see details about their business. It is a great place to take your family for a day of fun and relaxation. Also, I am so excited to announce that I will be passing out candy to all the trick-or-treaters on the farm for Halloween. I have not had a chance to visit the farm in a few weeks, and I am so excited to visit everyone from my hometown. I hope everyone has a great Halloween (and for us older ppl, a fun Halloween weekend) I am SO excited to dress up as Belle from Beauty in the Beast. My girlfriends and I are being Disney Princesses together---you can never be too old for that right? Happy Haunting!

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