Thursday, April 11, 2013

This week I was invited to speak to a group of wonderful young ladies who attend Radcliff Elementary.  They get together for "Girl Power" to discuss important topics throughout the school year.  Miss Jodie (who is amazing I should add) is WONDERFUL with these ladies.  She is a great inspiration and her love for them truly shines through.  During my time there I was able to discuss topics like bullying, healthcare, goals, dreams, self esteem, and anything else they wanted to ask me.  I was even asked to sing- so I had a small impromptu performance for them! I truly had a blast with these young ladies.  They are my new "Little Miss Kentucky Sisters."  I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to meet each and every one of them.    

My beautiful mother is the attendance clerk at Radcliff Elementary.  
It was great getting to spend time with her during her work day:)

Such a sweetie!

What a kind hearted young lady!

With Miss Jodie! <3

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