Sunday, April 28, 2013

I am stuck in the airport in North Carolina--SO I figured I might as well blog!  Ben and I are trying to get back home after having four wonderful days in Las Vegas.  Ben was picked, along with 30 other top managers from the Buckle, to attend the "Make it Happen" meetings that occur annually in Las Vegas.  I am SO proud of him!! Of course, I was super excited too because I was able to tag along:)  He had to attend a few meetings while there, but we still had plenty of time for fun. I truly enjoyed meeting many different Buckle professionals from all over the US. What a great company to be involved in!  Being surrounded by people who have such a strong passion for their job is extremely inspiring.


Our "Make it Happen" Gift Package we arrived to in our room!

Dinner at Del Fresco's- it was DELICIOUS and the company 
was wonderful!


Some of us "Buckle Spouses" decided to have a girl's
night while our men were already tucked in. They were 
SO much fun to get to know!

I wish shopping was always this beautiful...
at the Caesar's Palace

Ben in one of the meeting rooms! He is just too cute;)

The water show at the Bellagio

The pirate show at "Treasure Island"

Relaxation time!

Eating with some more Buckle friends at Gordon Ramsay's "Burgr"

In the atrium at the Bellagio-  it's GORGEOUS

Our last breakfast with the crew- set up beautifully on this
patio at the Bellagio. 

The Buckle Crew

On our way home!!! 

....and so this is where we are now as I type this blog.  
Ben is SO tired- we are just waiting to see if we get to come home
tonight or not.  We will be back Kentucky---sometime;)

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