Saturday, June 15, 2013

Yesterday, I was invited to attend the very first "Eastern Kentucky Veterans' Expo" in Ashland, Kentucky.  This event was hosted by Morehead State University and many other community vendors.    It was great to celebrate Flag Day and our Military's Birthday while honoring our active military and our veterans.  This event was sponsored by Morehead State University and many other community groups and vendors.  They had an opening ceremony with many VIP guests, including members from our state senate, house of representatives, our secretary of state, General Hogan, and a few others.  I then had the opportunity to meet the veterans and active military members who came out to this event.  Inside the event, they had job assistance, educational opportunities, medical assistance, door prizes, lunch, and many other opportunities for our veterans to seek out.  This was a very special day and I am so thankful to have been invited.

With 1Lt Michael McFadden

So glad my hubby got to join me on this trip

With President Andrews of Morehead State University
He is also a Veteran.

Our Secretary of State, Allison Grimes,
speaking during the opening ceremony.

They had a lot of neat memorabilia set out

Meeting our Veterans

With Senator Blevins.  He is also a Veteran who served
in Germany for a few years.

With Rocky Atkins, the House of Representatives
Majority Leader

I got to hand out pins to all the Veterans with 
the Morehead State girls!

I had fun "testing" out the big equipment

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Last night I headed back to Fort Knox for a second time this week.  The Red Cross of Fort Knox invited Jessica Casebolt, Miss Kentucky, and I to help send about 300 soldiers off to Afghanistan.  We had the opportunity to be some of the last people to send them on their way.  This was a very emotional day for everyone.  It was great for me to witness this and truly made me appreciate our troops and their families even more.  I can't even begin to imagine what they are going through.  I appreciate them so much for their service, sacrifice, dedication, and hard work.      

With Commanding Major General Smith

With the ladies and gentlemen of the American Red Cross
They were all so welcoming and sweet!

It was so nice to get to talk to each and every soldier
as they came through the check point with their bags and guns.

We were dying to take a picture with a BIG gun, but 
we were happy to settle for a slim jim snack break pic;)

Leaving to board the buses to the airport

I seriously cannot express how much being a part of this event meant to me. Having the title of Mrs. Kentucky has allowed me to be a part of many fun and interesting opportunities, but this is one that will change my life forever.  What an emotional thing to witness.  I wish each and every one of these soldiers the best and will keep them in my thoughts and prayers through the next nine months while they are fighting for our freedom!

Monday, June 10, 2013

I have had a wonderful five days off of work! First off, our house is coming together so quickly and we are hoping to be moved in by the end of the month!! It is so neat to see all the details we picked out together come to life.  Ben and I are so excited to start this new chapter in our lives together.  We have used these past few days to visit the house often to see what's new each day and to shop for decorations.  I must say, we are working very well together when it comes to picking out furniture, colors,ect.  I am one lucky girl!  

The porch posts are coming up and we now have a poured porch to walk on:)
It is like Christmas morning every time we go to visit!

The painters are doing their thing! Woohoo!

On Saturday I was invited to be in the "New Castle Spring Fling Parade" in Henry County.  I ran into their County Fair Winners who were so adorable! My escort for the day was one of the Henry County School's past superintendent's.  He was so generous to allow me to ride in his car and I had a great time getting to know him... did you know they have a "Drive Your Tractor to School Day?"  How awesome is that.  I am thinking my hometown would love that idea!! After the parade we walked around their town center where arts and crafts booths were setup.  There were so many neat things to see. 

My Mom and Grandma came along for this fun event.
We had a great girls day out together, and even color coordinated
without meaning to!  Love it!

After the parade my grandma, mom, and I went to see my house....I just can't look at it enough:)  We then had a girls lunch and then returned to Meade County to pick up my other grandma for a Belmont party.  My cousin is originally from New York so they celebrate this race each year. So, it was back to Louisville for some more fun time!  We had a blast at their cookout and then I joined my husband and brother for a CD release party for our friend's band- Elephant Room.  They went to high school with us and I am so proud of their accomplishments.  It was great to see them perform and to catch up with some friends.  

The next day I volunteered at the First Annual Miss USO Pageant at Fort Knox.  This was a benefit for the Red Cross of Fort Knox and was produced by Kyle Hornback, Miss Heartland Outstanding Teen.  Each girl competed in "Patriotic Wear" and "Formal Wear." I had so much fun crowning the winners and handing out awards.   

She was TOO cute!

The supreme winners!

With Kyle Hornback (Miss Heartland Outstanding Teen)
and Hayley Franklin (Miss Heart of the Parks)

The grand supreme winner, Erica Grossberg.  She is a MRS too!

Love this and love her!

With Eileen Horback and Deanna Cox.  They helped Kyle with
the pageant.  They are two amazing ladies.  I am honored to get
to work with such involved community members!

After the pageant I decided I should cook supper and make some goodies for my family.  Everyone that knows me is very familiar with the fact that I am no Paula Dean.  I do not like to cook and hardly ever step into the kitchen unless it is to use the microwave or grab something out of the refrigerator.  Well, this night I made chicken parmesan and cake balls.  My mom was determined to capture this "Lindsey in the kitchen" moment.  This may not happen for another few months...poor Ben.