Saturday, June 15, 2013

Yesterday, I was invited to attend the very first "Eastern Kentucky Veterans' Expo" in Ashland, Kentucky.  This event was hosted by Morehead State University and many other community vendors.    It was great to celebrate Flag Day and our Military's Birthday while honoring our active military and our veterans.  This event was sponsored by Morehead State University and many other community groups and vendors.  They had an opening ceremony with many VIP guests, including members from our state senate, house of representatives, our secretary of state, General Hogan, and a few others.  I then had the opportunity to meet the veterans and active military members who came out to this event.  Inside the event, they had job assistance, educational opportunities, medical assistance, door prizes, lunch, and many other opportunities for our veterans to seek out.  This was a very special day and I am so thankful to have been invited.

With 1Lt Michael McFadden

So glad my hubby got to join me on this trip

With President Andrews of Morehead State University
He is also a Veteran.

Our Secretary of State, Allison Grimes,
speaking during the opening ceremony.

They had a lot of neat memorabilia set out

Meeting our Veterans

With Senator Blevins.  He is also a Veteran who served
in Germany for a few years.

With Rocky Atkins, the House of Representatives
Majority Leader

I got to hand out pins to all the Veterans with 
the Morehead State girls!

I had fun "testing" out the big equipment

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