Monday, August 19, 2013

Good morning everyone!!! I am just tickled to death to be on my way to the Mrs. America Pageant and feel like I am truly living in a dream right now.  I am in the air on my way to Chicago as I type.  I have never actually purchased "air" Wifi so this is an exciting thing for me to have for the next six hours or so.  I figured my long flight to Arizona deserves it, right? 
Here I am getting ready at 4AM for my morning 
filled with traveling out West

Arriving at the Louisville Airport.  I have to give a few shout-outs 
for my travel attire.  Thanks Alana for letting me wear your adorable
(and comfy) dress, QM for the pretty sparkly black earrings, and Denise for 
my blingy crown bracelet.  Also, thank you SO much to my wonderful hubby for 
waking up so early to bring me to the airport before starting your day at work.  

I feel the need to share my luggage experience from this morning with you all, so hopefully I can save someone else from going through the same thing in the future.  Firs off, going into the airport this morning I knew my luggage would be overweight.  I have already shipped three boxes out about a week ago and still had to bring 3 suitcases to the airport.  A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do:)  Anyway, one of my bags was 4lbs. over the 50lb. limit so I was informed that it is a $75 fee. (My lovely husband told me it was $25 and I had already come to terms with that)  I was told I could try to switch things around between my three suitcases so that the heaviest one would no longer be over the 50lb. limit.  Well, since I knew I had to practically sit on each suitcase to zip them up and each bag was tapped out when it comes to space, I hesitated, but thought I would give it a try.  After about five minutes of hairspray, curling irons, undergarments :S, heels, and much more spilling out of my luggage and me trying to rezip them up (while in a dress) I finally gave up.  I was so embarressed trying to do this while everyone was in line watching me.  Needless to say, $75 later... I will be paying close attention to my luggage weight next time around and safely zipping them up in the privacy of my home  ;)
On a positive note, while digging through my large suitcase
I found this sweet note!!  He is so good to me<3 

....well, before I was able to post this blog I stopped in Chicago, had a two hour overlay, and now I am back in flight and on my way to Tucson!  I will be updating my blog quite often during the Mrs. America week. I have been told I will be super busy every day I am there, but I will do my best to fit time in to share each days happenings with you all.

I know I have said this before, but I TRULY appreciate everyone's love and support during my journey to the Mrs. America Pageant.  I am so blessed to be where I am today and want to make the best of my experience not only for me, but for you all too.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for being such wonderful supporters!

xoxoxo Lindsey

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