Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I had a very educational day at the "Wellness Series" event that is held monthly at Audobon Hospital.  The Nurse Practitioners on my unit, along with Jackie Hayes, host this event every month for the geriatric population in our community.  They had an orthopedic surgeon guest speaker there to educate us on the topic of bone health.  I truly learned a lot and will definitely be stocking up on calcium supplements in the near future!  I also had the opportunity to talk to the group about my "Healthcare Awareness and Education Platform."  It was truly a blessing to be invited to spend time with these lovely people.  Days like today remind me why I love being a nurse.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Whew! What a busy, but FUN weekend!  Friday night started off with the Kentucky Derby Festival Program Unveiling Party at Prime Lounge in downtown Louisville.  I went with a bunch of my friends and also got to hangout with a lot of my queen sisters and their husbands!  Elisha, Mrs. Kentucky 2012, threw the event- and what a great job she did!

Saturday morning I was up and at em' very early with my little man to take him to his first photo shoot!  He got his haircut at The Pet Station in Norton Commons and then we met up with Miss Kentucky USA 2012, Amanda Mertz, and her puppy, Gizmo, to take pictures.  Our pictures will be featured on the Pet Station's Website. It was so cute and fun to be involved with our little men during a photo shoot.  I must say this was a first for me:)  Please visit for all your pet needs!  They seriously do a wonderful job and always show their passion for our pups!

After the photo shoot I spent the rest of my day moving everything out of my house. We close on it on Wednesday, but still have a few months left until our new home is ready.... so we will temporarily be living out of the city for the next few months.  Luckily, we have an awesome family and group of friends who made this moving process quick, easy, and fun! I could not do these things without them.

I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL week! Think warm thoughts, maybe that will bring the spring weather closer to home;)

xoxo Lindsey

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I had a BLAST at the "Bracketology" event that was held at Freedom Hall last night.  This was a benefit for Spalding University where I acted as a waitress to VIP tables along with other queens from throughout the state.  We were able to meet the legend, Coach Crum, many UofL basketball players from the past championship winning teams from the 1980's, along with Jack "Goose" Givens from UofK's championship winning team in 1978.

With Coach Crum!

Ready to work our tables!

With Miss Kentucky County Fair, Jenna Walters.  She
is SO sweet- I am so glad we met.

My Mrs. Kentucky Sponsors basket that QM donated
for the silent auction.

Mom made this adorable basket filled with Roberts Family Farm goodies
for the silent auction.  Both baskets were a hit.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

I started the Dale Carnegie Class in Effective Communications and Human Relations/Skills for Success this past week.  I really did not know what to expect going into it, but I truly learned a lot.  I was a little nervous heading back to the classroom, but I met a lot of great business people from our area and learned what a small world we really live in.  So many of us had a lot in common! I look forward to returning every Thursday for the next seven weeks!  This is a wonderful gift given to me as this year's Mrs. Kentucky.  Dale Carnegie is one of my biggest sponsors and I am very thankful for them allowing me to sit in such a distinguished course.

After class ended that night, Ben and I headed to Gatlinburg for the weekend.  We met up with our friends for a relaxing weekend in the mountains.  I had just found out that I got accepted into Spalding University's Family Nurse Practitioner I was ready to celebrate!! Also, my friend, Golan, had plans to ask his girlfriend to marry him while hiking.  We had a lot to be excited about!

The beautiful mountains!

With my besties, Alana and Jess.  We went shopping at
the outlet mall while the guys grabbed some lunch.  

The guys on our hiking trip!

The ENGAGEMENT spot! Golan asked Jess at the opening
of the cave.  It was a site to see:)  We are so happy for them
and look forward to being a part of their special day!

Relaxing in the cabin with my man

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I went shopping with QM and my Mom at Miss Priss in Lexington today and found my dream gown for MRS. AMERICA!!  Elizabeth, the owner, and her staff were so wonderful to me.  I can't wait for my gown to come in and to rock it on stage <3

After shopping we had a delicious lunch and then headed to Deata's new Salon Bleu to check it out!  I got to see her in action and tour her beautiful new salon.  

Saturday, March 2, 2013

I am back home and relaxing after a weekend away to western Kentucky.  I have only been out that way a few times so it was nice to experience a different part of our beautiful state.  After finishing my blog post this morning in the hotel, Ben and I headed to Ft. Campbell for another Copa Di Vino wine tasting event.  We had a great turnout and met a lot of wonderful military families.  Being on base really reminded me of the sacrifice these men and woman make for our country.  I was so glad to be a part of their weekend and feel blessed and honored to have been invited on base.   I want to thank Copa for providing Ben and me with a great weekend together.  We truly enjoyed our time away and loved meeting a lot of people at these events.  Brian and Brandi (Copa distributors) were both wonderful to get to know and Pilar (the Copa Mixologist) kept us educated and provided us with great entertainment.  Working with all of them truly made our weekend!

On our way to Ft. Campbell!

My first signing of the day:)

Having fun with Pilar

Copa fans!

They are so cute!!

I had a GREAT time!!

This is the first time for me to be writing my blog from a hotel room.  I am currently in Paducah, Kentucky with my husband.  We had a busy, but fun-filled day yesterday.  My morning started off with a meeting at Wild Eggs in Louisville, Kentucky with Rick Barney from Spalding University and Queen Mom.  We discussed our new partnership as Spalding has jumped on board as my newest sponsor.  We also talked about an upcoming commercial I will be shooting for them.  I am SO pumped about this shoot! I have never done a commercial, but I will definitely do my best for them!  Oh...and I have to mention how AMAZING Wild Eggs fresh squeezed orange juice is. OH my gosh!  I have never in my life had orange juice that delicious.

After that, I met up with Ben and we headed off to Paducah for a Copa Di Vino wine tasting and signing at Wagner Wine.  It is a family owned business and they were extremely welcoming and sweet to us the moment we walked in.  I also worked with Pilar, a mixologist from Copa, and Brandi, a distributor for Copa in the Paducah area.  They were a blast to get to know and, of course, the wine was tasty as always.

With the Wagner Family

Pilar educating us about the product.  I learned SO much from her!

My youngest fan of the day!

The tasting in full force!