Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I had a BLAST at the "Bracketology" event that was held at Freedom Hall last night.  This was a benefit for Spalding University where I acted as a waitress to VIP tables along with other queens from throughout the state.  We were able to meet the legend, Coach Crum, many UofL basketball players from the past championship winning teams from the 1980's, along with Jack "Goose" Givens from UofK's championship winning team in 1978.

With Coach Crum!

Ready to work our tables!

With Miss Kentucky County Fair, Jenna Walters.  She
is SO sweet- I am so glad we met.

My Mrs. Kentucky Sponsors basket that QM donated
for the silent auction.

Mom made this adorable basket filled with Roberts Family Farm goodies
for the silent auction.  Both baskets were a hit.

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