Sunday, March 24, 2013

Whew! What a busy, but FUN weekend!  Friday night started off with the Kentucky Derby Festival Program Unveiling Party at Prime Lounge in downtown Louisville.  I went with a bunch of my friends and also got to hangout with a lot of my queen sisters and their husbands!  Elisha, Mrs. Kentucky 2012, threw the event- and what a great job she did!

Saturday morning I was up and at em' very early with my little man to take him to his first photo shoot!  He got his haircut at The Pet Station in Norton Commons and then we met up with Miss Kentucky USA 2012, Amanda Mertz, and her puppy, Gizmo, to take pictures.  Our pictures will be featured on the Pet Station's Website. It was so cute and fun to be involved with our little men during a photo shoot.  I must say this was a first for me:)  Please visit for all your pet needs!  They seriously do a wonderful job and always show their passion for our pups!

After the photo shoot I spent the rest of my day moving everything out of my house. We close on it on Wednesday, but still have a few months left until our new home is ready.... so we will temporarily be living out of the city for the next few months.  Luckily, we have an awesome family and group of friends who made this moving process quick, easy, and fun! I could not do these things without them.

I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL week! Think warm thoughts, maybe that will bring the spring weather closer to home;)

xoxo Lindsey

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