Saturday, March 2, 2013

This is the first time for me to be writing my blog from a hotel room.  I am currently in Paducah, Kentucky with my husband.  We had a busy, but fun-filled day yesterday.  My morning started off with a meeting at Wild Eggs in Louisville, Kentucky with Rick Barney from Spalding University and Queen Mom.  We discussed our new partnership as Spalding has jumped on board as my newest sponsor.  We also talked about an upcoming commercial I will be shooting for them.  I am SO pumped about this shoot! I have never done a commercial, but I will definitely do my best for them!  Oh...and I have to mention how AMAZING Wild Eggs fresh squeezed orange juice is. OH my gosh!  I have never in my life had orange juice that delicious.

After that, I met up with Ben and we headed off to Paducah for a Copa Di Vino wine tasting and signing at Wagner Wine.  It is a family owned business and they were extremely welcoming and sweet to us the moment we walked in.  I also worked with Pilar, a mixologist from Copa, and Brandi, a distributor for Copa in the Paducah area.  They were a blast to get to know and, of course, the wine was tasty as always.

With the Wagner Family

Pilar educating us about the product.  I learned SO much from her!

My youngest fan of the day!

The tasting in full force!

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