Friday, August 23, 2013

A lot has happened since my last blog from Wednesday....

Here is my daily gift I received from QM on Thursday morning!
I love stationary- especially when it involves crowns;) 

Practice time with the girls

Doing our opening number dance

After practice time in the morning, we left the resort
to go downtown for lunch with the Mayor of Tucson!
Mom and Dad were so kind to sponsor my gift to the mayor.
I just KNOW he will love having "Momma Rob's" jams 
and jellies in his own kitchen.

I got to fit some facetime in with my two boys!!!
I miss them SO much!

Delegate gift exchange time!! This was a blast.
We each brought gifts for each contestant.  I should
have brought an extra suitcase for all of my gifts!!

I thought these cookies were TOO cute

We also had a seminar on "Vault Denim Skincare" products.
The owner flew in from LA to talk to us about them.  He has been featured 
on the Real Housewives shows!! I was so pumped about that.  
I LOVE my real housewives! ;)

I was able to take a look at all of my gifts once I made
it back to my room.  This is just so much fun. 

Friday's busy schedule

Breakfast then practice!

With Mr. Marmel, the owner of Mrs. America

We love Caroline.  She keeps us straight! ;)

The spray tan lady had her little baby in the lobby!
She is SO adorable.  I was able to get my "dog fix" 
since I am missing my little buddy oh so much. 

The desert table at lunch is always so pretty.  

I found out they are sisters!! How fun is that?

I am taking a break in the hotel lobby while writing this blog.  I have to return to practice in 15 minutes, then we are having our "President's Dinner" tonight in the Mrs. America Suite.  I am looking forward to getting dressed up again and hanging out with these wonderful ladies.  

1 comment:

Kelly Brengelman said...

You are doing a great job with the blog! Keep it up; it's so fun to see you there!